目的探讨定期考核制度在放射诊断进修教育实践中的作用。方法选择解放军总医院放射诊断科进修期限为1年的进修医生,实施定期考核制度,以报告完成量、笔试成绩、文章发表数为评价指标,与实施前1年进修生的评价指标对比。结果定期考核制度实施后的报告完成量为4 865份/人,笔试成绩为(86.2±4.7)分,文章发表总数为20篇,均高于实施前3 772份/人;(78.6±5.3)分;8篇,P<0.05。结论在放射诊断进修教育中实施定期考核制度,能够提升教学效果,有助于明确进修生培养的合格标准的制定。
Objective To investigate the value of regular test system in further education of radiology, and to compare the teaching efficiency. Methods The doctors who worked in PLA general hospital for one-year further education were enrolled. Compare the teaching efficiency of doctors with and without regular test system. Their teaching efficiency included diagnostic reports, written exam score, and published articles. Results In regular test system group, the diagnostic reports were 4 865 reports per person, the mean of written exam score was (86.2~4.7), and there were 20 published articles, while in control group, there were 3 772 reports per person, mean score of (78.6±5.3), and 8 published articles. It was statistical improvement in teaching efficiency (P〈0.05). Conclusion The regular test system may improve the teaching efficiency in further education of radiology, and may be helpful to definite the qualifications.
Continuing Medical Education
Regular test system, Radiology diagnosis, Further education