
东盟国家双语教育的历史发展 被引量:1

The History and Present Situation of Bilingual Education in ASEAN
摘要 东盟国家中除泰国外的其他九个国家都曾遭受过西方国家的殖民统治,各个国家在殖民时期就出现了民族语言与殖民国家语言的双语教育。各国独立后,这种不平衡的双语教育由于各国政府政治经济的考虑发生了变化。二十世纪八十年代后,英语的经济价值和国际通用语的地位使各国双语教育中的外语成为了英语,并形成了三种不同的双语教育。进入二十一世纪后,各国出台各种政策调整双语教育,积极解决出现的问题。 All countries except Thailand in ASEAN were colonies of some western countries and bilingual education of native language and that of colonial government began to develop since then. After national independence, such imbalanced bilingual education changed a lot for new governments' concern about local politics and economy. Since 1980 s, English, as an international language and with its special economic value, developed a lot in bilingual education. There formed three types of bilingual education now and all countries have been making research on the development of their respective bilingual education.
作者 施黎辉
出处 《科教文汇》 2016年第2期3-6,共4页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 云南省教育厅科学研究基金项目"东盟国家双语教育研究及对中国高校双语教育的启示"(2013Y129)
关键词 东盟 双语教育 英语 ASEAN bilingual education English
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