Nanjing-Last year,206,000 peo-ple found jobs through labour mar-kets,reducing the unemployment rateof the province to 2 per cent,lowerthan the country’s average. Well-functioning job centreshave now been established inJiangsu’s 11 cities and 64 counties.More than 75 per cent of its townsand villages also have improved em-ployment services. Local labour departments have al-so strictly implemented the relevantlaws and regulations and strengthenedthe supervision and direction of pri-vately-owned employment agencies The improved labour marketshave attracted not only those seekingfirst time employment but also thosewanting to change to more lucrativejobs.As a result,substantial changeshave occurred in employment trainingcourses. Now people from all walks of lifecan benefit from these courses bylearning skills and knowledge,eitherto increase their employmentcompetitiveness or just for their owninterest. Jiangsu Province now has 601 em-ployment training centres;more than110,000 people received