
研发效率、要素禀赋及国际贸易与技术偏向程度 被引量:5

R&D Efficiency,Factor Endowment,International Trade and Degree of Technology Bias
摘要 本文从产品质量提高型创新的视角构建了技术偏向程度的数理模型,并逐个将中间品贸易、创新产品贸易和技术溢出分别纳入模型以分析各自对技术偏向程度的影响。然后,基于理论框架构建了分析技术偏向程度的计量模型,使用1990—2010年我国工业的数据进行估计和分析。结果表明,相对价格对技术偏向程度的影响不显著,要素禀赋影响显著,进口与出口影响显著且创新产品贸易的作用占主导地位,但远不及要素禀赋的影响大。总的来看,国内因素仍然对我国工业技术偏向程度起着决定作用。 This paper gives the mathematical model of the technology bias degree from the perspective of quality improving innovation,and separately analyzes the effects of intermediate goods trade,innovative products trade and international technology spillover on the technology bias degree. Then,it gives the econometric model of the technology bias degree,estimates and analyzes basing on the industrial data from 1990 to 2010 in China. The results indicate that the relative price has no significant effect on the degree of technology bias,while the factor endowment as well as the import and export has a significant effect. The innovative products trade which plays the leading role has less effect on the technology bias degree than factor endowment. The conclusion is that domestic elements play an important role on industrial technology bias degree in China.
出处 《统计研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期20-25,共6页 Statistical Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“技术进步偏向及其效应的统计测算与计量经济分析”(13ATJ001) 教育部人文社会科学基金项目“偏向性技术进步的统计测算方法研究”(12YJA910001)的资助
关键词 技术偏向程度 要素替代弹性 技术进步偏向指数 要素禀赋 Technology Bias Degree Elasticity of Substitution Between Factors Biased Technical Progress Index Factor Endowment
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