
中国经济总量超越日本后中日关系的新变化 被引量:2

The New Changes of China-Japan Relations after China's GDP Surpassed Japan
摘要 21世纪,经济的迅速发展使中国综合实力明显提升。至2010年中国经济总量排序超过日本成为世界第二大经济体,此后,两国经济实力对比关系呈现显著变化。日本仰仗日美同盟的安全保护,在美国全球战略重心东移的鼓舞下,右翼势力抬头,导致中日历史问题、领土争端问题迅速升温,两国民族情绪高涨,中日关系从"政冷经热"陷入"政冷经冻"的长期僵持对峙困局。但从总的发展态势来看,中日关系的发展呈现出"矛盾多于互惠,竞争大于合作"的新变化特征。中国经济快速增长及综合实力的全面提升是引发日本战略焦虑情绪和中日关系发生变化的直接动因。通过分析中日关系的新变化特征,提出处理中日关系应秉持的理念,为中国和平发展赢取有效的战略时间和空间。 The rapid development of China's economy in the 21st century has brought about the obvious promotion of the nation- al eomprehensive strength. Especially, to 2010 China's GDP ranking beyond Japan has become the world's second largest econo- my, thus the two countries have significant changes in economic strength. Since then, the right - wing forces gain ground again depending on the security protection of Japan - US alliance and the inspiration of the eastward shift of the American global strate- gic pivot, which in consequence brings about the rapid rise of Sino - Japanese historical and territorial disputes and high nation- alist moods in the two countries. By now, the Sino - Japan relations have fallen into a long - term predicament of confrontation, changing from "cool politics, hot economy" to "cool politics, frozen politics". However, judging from the future trend, Sino - Japanese relationship presents a new change of more contradiction and competition than mutual benefit and cooperation. And the rapid increase of China's economic growth and the overall promotion of its comprehensive strength are the direct forces that cause Japan's strategic anxiety as well as the change of the relations between the two countries. By analyzing the new features of Sino - Japan relations, this paper puts forward some policy suggestions in dealing with Japan, so that more effective strategic time and space can be won for the peaceful development of China.
作者 武星
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期25-31,共7页 Academic Exploration
基金 2015年吉林大学廉政建设专项研究课题(440020031357)
关键词 中国经济增长 中日关系 矛盾 竞争 新特征 秉持理念 China's economic growth China - Japan relations contradiction competition new Features concepts to be upheld
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