摘要PBL教学法——"Problem Based Learning",英文名称为翻译为"问题式教学",是一种基于问题的教学方法。财政学是一门科学性、实践性非常强的学科,非财经类专业的财政学教学特别要重视理论与实践的结合,重点培养学生分析解决社会经济问题的能力,基于此,可以在以LBL(Lecture Based Learning)教学法的基础上,在教学实践中有机地吸收、运用PBL教学法的特点。
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10Sunblad, G., Sigrell B., John, L. K., & Lindkvist, C. Students'evaluation of a learning method: A comparison between problem - based learning and more traditional methods in a specialist university training programme in psychotherapy [ J ]. Medical Teacher, 2002, 24(3) : 268 -272.