Numerical simulation of wave equation played an important role in oil and gas exploration,and engineers always looked forward to seeking out more efficientalgorithms for it.Nowadays,multi-core computers had been very popular,and the most existing procedures were using MPI parallel programming.This process level granularity parallel calculation results in distributed computer such as PC-cluster is very good.However,on a single node,often only few or even a single core could be used by memory constraints. The multi-core processor's performance is difficult to effectively play.In this paper,a method of wave equation thread level parallel computation for MATLAB on multi-core computer was presented. According to the predominantcomputation was wavefieldextrapolation formula,and it was composed of matrixvector multiplication,vector-vector subtraction and vectorvector element-by-element multiplication,the wavefieldextrapolation formula was rewrited from MATLAB m-version to OpenMP multithread C mex-version.This resulted higher performance than MPI parallelism with limited memory. Numerical experiment indicated that this parallel algorithm could improve the computational efficiency significantly. On a quad-core computer,the speedup of solutiondiagonal equation was nearly1.66,the speedup of calculation right-hand term was up to 3.37.As a result,the speedup of wavefield extrapolationformula was up to 3.11,and theentire forward modeling accelerated nearly to 3times.
Progress in Geophysics