目的:探讨门诊抗感冒药处方的特点,为促进合理用药提供参考。方法:抽取郑州大学附属洛阳中心医院(以下简称"我院")2013年7月—2014年6月门诊抗感冒药处方2 400张,按《处方管理办法》和《医院处方点评规范》进行处方点评,从处方书写及合理用药角度,判断处方合理性并进行归类分析。结果:2 400张门诊抗感冒药处方中,不合理处方188张,占7.83%,处方合理率为92.17%。其中,书写不规范处方134张,占总处方数的5.58%,占不合理处方数的71.28%;用药不适宜处方54张,占总处方数的2.25%,占不合理处方数的28.72%。2013年7—8月门诊抗感冒药处方合理率较低,仅为80.75%;经过处方点评且将点评结果反馈于临床等药学干预后,2014年5—6月门诊抗感冒药处方合理率高达97.75%。结论:我院门诊抗感冒药处方仍存在问题,需加强药师审方,持续改善合理用药水平,提高抗感冒药处方合理率。
OBJECTIVE: To probe into the characteristics of outpatient anti-cold prescriptions,and to provide reference for the promotion of the rational drug use. METHODS: 2 400 outpatient anti-cold prescriptions were screened in Affiliated Luoyang Central Hospital of Zhengzhou University( hereinafter referred to as"our hospital") from Jul. 2013 to Jun. 2014. The review of prescriptions were conducted according to Prescription Administrative Policy and Review on the Management Provisions of Hospital Prescription,the rationality of prescriptions were judged,classified and analyzed with regard to the prescription writing and rational drug use. RESULTS: Of the 2 400 outpatient anti-cold prescriptions,188 prescriptions were irrational,accounting for 7. 83%; the rational rate was 92. 17%. There were 134 irregular writing prescriptions,accounting for 5. 58% of the total prescriptions and 71. 28% of the irrational prescriptions; the inappropriate drug use prescriptions were 54 cases,accounting for 2. 25% of the total prescriptions and 28. 72% of the irrational prescriptions. After prescription review,the results were provided as feedback for the clinical applications and pharmaceutical intervention,meanwhile the rate of rational anti-cold prescriptions had increased to 97. 75% from Apr. to Jun. in 2014. CONCLUSIONS: There are still some problems in outpatient anti-cold prescriptions in our hospital,it is necessary to strengthen prescription evaluation by the pharmacists,and persistently improve the level of rational drug use,so as to further improve the rate of the rational anti-cold prescriptions.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Anti-cold drugs
Prescriptions review
Rational drug use