体外受精-胚胎移植技术(in vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation,IVF-ET)自1978年由steptoe博士和Edowrds博士首创以来,经过30余年的发展创新,已成为解决不孕病的有力手段,但其妊娠率并不理想。卫爱武教授结合多年临床经验对IVF-ET患者采取进周期前辩证调理;进周期后补肾填精,调理气血促进卵泡生长;移植后补肾活血,助孕安胎的方法,在临床取得了良好疗效。
The vitro fertilization-embryo transplantation, IVF-E T has been initiated by Dr. Steptoe and Dr. Edowrds in 1978, after 30 years of development and innovation, it has become a powerful tool to solve the infertility, but the pregnancy rate is unsatisfactory.Professor Wei Aiwu combined with years of clinical experience in the cycle of IVF-et patients taken into dialectical conditioning before two months, into a cycle of kidney essence, regulating qi promoting follicular growth after transplantation, the kidney and promoting blood circulation, pregnancy and miscarriage, which achieved good clinical effect.
Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China