

An Analysis On Micro-Expressions in the Criminal Proceedings
摘要 "微反应"是一种分析人内心活动的科学方法,与我国古代"五听"制度有相似之处。目前欧美一些国家已经将微反应运用于司法领域中,将微反应引入刑事诉讼中,可以为公安司法人员判定证据的真伪提供新的手段,为发现案件事实真相、寻找相关证据提供方向指引,进而增强公安司法人员的内心确认,促进案件的侦破和案件事实的认定。 As an emerging scientific method of analyzing the inner activities, "micro-expressions"is similar to the Chinese traditional method of trial named "Five Observing". Some occident countries have applied it to the judicial field. "Micro-expressions" can be brought into the field of criminal lawsuit and becoming an effective measure for the police to judge the truth of evidences. With the help of "micro-expressions", the fact of the case will be found more easily. It can also point out the right way to seek evidences, which will strengthen the inner confirmation of the police,promote the detection of cases and the identification of the facts.
作者 吴庆国
出处 《北京政法职业学院学报》 2015年第4期9-13,共5页 Journal of Beijing College of Politics and Law
关键词 微反应 刑事诉讼 五听 Micro-expressions Criminal lawsuit Five Observing
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