目的调查影响绝经后骨质疏松症(Postmenopausal Osteoporosis,PMOP)患者生活质量(Quality of life,QOL)及主要因素,以便预防和减少本病的发生,以提高整个PMOP人群的QOL。方法对111例绝经后骨质疏松症患者(45-90岁)QOL及影响因素的测量采用QUALEFFO-41量表结合肖建德编著的《实用骨质疏松学》中的骨质疏松症病史采集表进行测评。结果本次研究中PMOP患者QOL水平较低,QOL总评分为(288.420±14.668)。评分越低,代表QOL越好。单因素方差分析显示年龄、文化程度、职业、婚姻状况、体质指数(Body Mass Index,BMI)、有无喝咖啡、有无喝牛奶、绝经年限、既往病史、运动史(近5年)、运动频率以及有无骨折史是影响PMOP患者QOL的因素(P<0.05)。通过多元线性回归分析,按照影响QOL评分因素的作用强度由高到低依次是运动史(近5年)、BMI、职业、婚姻状况、既往病史、有无喝牛奶、运动频率、绝经年限。结论调查显示PMOP患者的QOL总体水平较低。因此应改善骨痛等症状,均衡饮食,改变不良生活习惯,适量运动,获得家庭、社会支持,加强心理疏导,积极参加社会活动,以提高患者的QOL。
Objective To explore the quality of life and its related factors in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis( PMOP);so that reduce the occurrence of the disease and improve the quality of life of the whole patients with PMOP. Methods The quality of life and its related factors to 111 patients(( aged 45- 90 years) with PMOP were investigated by QUALEFFO- 41 and history- taking table with the Practice of osteoporosis written by Jiande Xiao. Results In this survey, the level of the quality of life in patients with PMOP was low, total score of quality of life is 288. 420 ± 14. 668, low score indicates better health. One-factor analysis of variance shows: age,education level,occupation, the status of marriage, BMI, coffee intaking, milk intaking,menopausal years, medical history, exercise history( in recent five years), exercise frequency,fracture or not for the quality of life and related factors in patients with PMOP( P〈 0. 05). Based on Multiple linear regression shows, the ranked factors from strong to weak correlated with score of quality of life were exercise history( in recent five years), BMI, occupation, the status of marriage, medical history, milk intaking or not, exercise frequency, menopausal years. Conclusion In this survey,the level of the quality of life in patients with PMOP was low,so relieving bone pain and other symptoms, balanced diet,changing bad living habits,moderating exercise, getting families and social support,strengthening psychological counseling, took an active part in social activities to improve the level of the quality of life in patients with PMOP.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases