目的:了解开封市第二中医院(以下简称“我院”)中药注射剂使用情况,为临床合理用药提供参考. 方法:对2010-2014年我院中药注射剂的品种数、销售金额、用药频度、限定日费用等进行统计分析. 结果:2010-2014年,我院中药注射剂的销售金额呈上升趋势,销售金额排序居前10位中药注射剂的使用过于集中,对中药注射剂总体使用情况有着重要影响;理血类中药注射剂的销售金额排序均居第1位;销售金额排序居前10位的品种变化较大,但理血类的疏血通注射液、血必净注射液均居前10位之内;5年里,DDDs排序居前10位的药品中,理血类中药注射剂分别居第6、6、6、4、5位,与销售总金额排序情况相符. 结论:应加强对中药注射剂有效性和安全性的研究与评价,以提高其疗效和减少不良反应.
OBJECTIVE:To investigate the application of traditional Chinese medicine injections in the Second Traditional Chinese Hospital of Kaifeng Municipal ( hereinafter referred to as"our hospital") , and to provide reference for the clinical rational drug use. METHODS: Traditional Chinese medicine injections that had been used in our hospital from 2010 to 2014 were statistically analyzed in terms of consumption sum,defined daily dose ( DDDs) and the average daily consumption sum ( DDDc ) . RESULTS: The annual consumption sum of traditional Chinese medicine injections showed an increasing trend in our hospital during 2010-2014 . And the consumption sum of the top 10 traditional Chinese medicine injections were too concentrate, which had a great impact on the total consumption. The consumption sum of the type of regulating blood traditional Chinese medicine injections were all in the first place;the top 10 varieties of consumption sum had an obvious change, but the consumption sum of shuxuetong injection, xuebijing injection were all on the top 10; among the top 10 drugs of DDDs, the type of regulating blood traditional Chinese medicine injections were respectively on the list of 6,6,6,4,5 during the five years, which accorded with the ranking of the consumption sum. CONCLUSIONS: The study and evaluation on efficacy and safety of traditional Chinese medicine injections should be strengthened so as to increase the efficacy and reduce ADR.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Traditional Chinese medicine injections
Consumption sum