目的:了解南平市第一医院(以下简称"我院")药品不良反应(adverse drug reaction,ADR)发生规律及特点,为临床合理用药提供参考。方法:对2012—2014年我院上报的563例ADR进行回顾性统计、分析。结果:发生ADR的563例患者中,男性254例,女性309例,男女之比为0.82∶1;>40岁患者所占比例最高,共412例,占73.18%;引发ADR的药物以抗微生物药为主(172例,占30.55%),其次为抗肿瘤药(123例,占21.85%);引发ADR病例数最多的为左氧氟沙星(20例,占3.55%),其次为拉氧头孢(16例,占2.84%);引发ADR的给药途径以静脉给药为主(346例,占61.46%),其次为口服给药(159例,占28.24%);ADR的临床表现以皮肤及其附件损害、消化系统损害为主。结论:应加强ADR监测工作,促进合理用药,确保患者用药安全。
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the laws and characteristics of adverse drug reaction reports( ADR) in the First Hospital of Nanping( hereinafter referred to as "our hospital"). METHODS: 563 cases of ADR reported by our hospital during 2012-2014 were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Of the 563 cases,males were 254 cases and females were 309 cases,the gender ratio was 0. 82 ∶ 1; the proportion of patients that 40 years old took the lead,totally 412 cases,accounting for 73. 18%. The ADR-inducing drugs mainly focus on antimicrobial agents( 172 cases,30. 55%),followed by antineoplastic agents( 123 cases,21. 85%). Levofloxacin( 20 cases,3. 55%) induced most number of ADR cases,followed by latamoxef( 16 cases,2. 84%). The route of administration mainly focus on intravenous administration( 346 cases,61. 63%),the second was oral administration( 159 cases,28. 24%). The clinical manifestations of ADR were skin and its accessories damage and digestive system damage. CONCLUSIONS: It is necessary to strengthen the ADR monitoring,promote the clinical rational drug use,so as to ensure the medication safety in patients.
Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China
Adverse drug reaction
Retrospectively analysis
Rational drug use