
同步辐射衍射增强应用于慢性肾小球肾炎模型的研究 被引量:1

Synchrotron radiation diffraction enhanced imaging in research of rabbit chronic glomerulonephritis model
摘要 目的应用同步辐射(synchrotron radiation,SR)衍射增强(diffraction enhanced imaging,DEI)对兔慢性肾小球肾炎(chronic glomerulonephritis,CGN)模型病变进行模型研究。方法采用盐酸阿霉素以17 mg/kg的2次注射量,2个月后5只新西兰大白兔慢性肾小球肾炎模型形成。抽取血液做肾功能检查,尿液做尿常规检查,切片做病理检查。动物处死后肾组织固定在4%福尔马林溶液里,准备DEI实验。另取5只正常的兔子做对照组。本实验在北京同步辐射装置4W1A X线实验站(射束能量14 ke V)进行。取摇摆曲线的腰位,做360度旋转平扫,同时取背景图像。最后用衍射成像软件重建图像,用MATLAB分析CGN和对照组病变区间的灰度差异。结果在没有静脉注射成像对比剂条件下,DEI方法能清楚地显示两组肾脏微结构,包括动静脉系统,集合管,髓袢及肾小球,其空间分辨率达10μm。CGN组(91~112)的平均肾皮质比对照组(121~141)丢失较多、灰度值、T检验P〈0.05。相同皮质感兴趣区(数据点450×80)灰度值定量分析,CGN组总灰度值(55~160)小于对照组(75~175)。DEI图像和病理图像有较多相似性,CGN组的病变微结构得以显示,归功于DEI相位成像(phase-contrast imaging,PCI)的原理优势,从而使应用SR DEI对CGN进行诊断的可能得以成为现实。结论同步辐射衍射成像实验是一种新的影像学方法,结果表明,影像学形态的变化较CT、MRI、超声更细致明确,它使无创伤、无对比剂的慢性肾小球肾炎的动物模型诊断成为可能。未来随着实验设备的提高和图像分析操作的简易化,DEI很可能在临床上成为CGN诊断的一种新方法。 Objective To investigate microstructural changes in chronic glomerulonephritis( CGN)under diffraction enhanced imaging( DEI) technology of synchrotron radiation( SR) in rabbit model.Methods Chronic glomerulonephritis( CGN) was induced by injection of doxorubicin hydrochloride in 5 NewZealand white rabbits. The blood and urine tests and kidney histological examination were performed 2 months after CGN induction. The kidney tissues were fixed into 4% formalin solution for one week before DEI experiment. The experiment was performed at Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility( BSRF) 4W1 A beam line( beam energy was 14 ke V). On routine scanning process,the rocking curve was detected,and slope position on the curve was selected for a 360° spatial CT scan,at last the DEI reconstruction software was applied for 3-dimensional image,meanwhile the DEI image grey value between chronic CGN group and control group was analyzed by M ATLAB and SPSS.Results Without radio-contrast,DEI provided clear visibility of the microstructural views of artery,vein,straight collecting ducts,papillary tubules,glomeruli of kidneys in both groups,with the spatial resolution of 10 μm. The cortex of CGN lost more gray value comparing to the normal one. There was good correlation between DEI images and histopathological images. The microstructural change of CGN kidney was revealed,which was based on the advantage of phase-contrast imaging( PCI)mechanism,and the diagnosis value of CGN by synchrotron radiation( SR) phase-contrast imaging( PCI) technology was evaluated. Conclusion Synchrotron radiation diffraction enhanced imaging( DEI) provides non-invasive and non-contrast diagnosis of CGN in animal model,which may used in clinical diagnosis after further improvement.
出处 《同济大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2015年第6期24-30,共7页 Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)
基金 国家自然科学基金(11ZR1427800 11205189 81271574)
关键词 同步辐射 相位成像 衍射成像 慢性肾小球肾炎 synchrotron radiation phase contrast imaging diffraction enhanced imaging chronic glomerulonephritis
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