CTo Y 2017将沿袭ITo Y评选的主要原则,对在最近12个月内发布、从多方面对道路运输效率做出最大贡献的车型,进行包括技术创新、舒适性、安全性、操控性、燃油经济性、清洁环保和总体拥有成本等方面的考核。2015年11月12日,"2017中国年度卡车评选(CTo Y 2017)"启动仪式在武汉新国际会展中心会议中心举办。中国国际贸易促进委员会汽车行业分会副会长杨琳、国际年度卡车(ITo Y)评委会主席Gianenrico Griffini、商用汽车杂志社社长兼主编于晶,
The event— 'Chinese Truck of Year' —(CToY2017) was kicked off at the newly opened Wuhan International Conference and Exhibition Center on Nov.12,2015.Pbunded by <Commercial Vehicle> magazine,C To Y will conduct a series of assessment and test for all models of vehicles launched in the coming 12 months in many aspects,including innovation of technologies,riding-comfort,safety,operational control,fuelconsumption,environmentfriend and over all-cost,etc.
Commercial Vehicle