
美国气候政策的国内根源论析 被引量:3

On the Domestic Origin of the U.S. Climate Policy
摘要 自气候变化问题被提上国际政治日程之日起,表面上,美国历任总统对待气候变化问题的态度不尽相同,但从本质来看,美国的气候政策存在着连续性,一是任何减缓气候变化的国际努力都必须包括所有大的排放国,二是减缓气候变化决不能以牺牲经济发展为代价。其根源除了要保持美国的世界领导地位之外,更为根本的决定因素是美国的政治体制、资源禀赋及文化认同。在能源技术取得重大突破之前,美国的立场在近期有根本转变的可能性不大。 Superficially, the attitude of the US presidents toward the issue of climate change has varied since the issue surfaced on the international political agenda. But in essence, there has been a continuity of the climate policy on the part of the United States,namely, all major emitters must be included in any international effort to mitigate climate change and all measures to to mitigate climate change should not be conducted at the expense of economic development. America's will to maintain its leadership in the world, and more important, its political system, natural resources and cultural identity account for its persistence in this policy. Before a major breakthrough is made in energy technology, the US is least likely to change its position in the near future.
作者 檀跃宇
出处 《南京政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期52-60,152,共9页 Journal of PLA Nanjing Institute of Politics
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