目的:选取位于血管紧张素转化酶(Angiotensin-converting Enzyme,ACE)基因序列16号内含子上一段287 bp片段的插入(Insertion,I)/缺失(Deletion,D)多态,研究该多态位点的基因型(genotype)与高住-高练-低训(living high-exercise high-training low,Hi Hi Lo)后生理表型指标变化的关联性。方法:选取35名健康受试者在模拟海拔2 500m高度进行4周Hi Hi Lo低氧训练。采用关联研究方法(Association-Study),运用聚合酶链反应(PCR)实验技术,研究ACE基因I/D多态性与Hi Hi Lo低氧训练后最大摄氧量(maximal oxygen uptake,V·O2max)、血红蛋白(hemoglobin,Hb)、红细胞数(red blood cell,RBC)等生理表型指标关联性。结果:1)ACE基因I/D多态解析结果显示,II基因型的频率占40%,ID基因型频率占51%,DD基因型频率占9%,符合Hardy-weinberg遗传平衡定律(x2=0.699,P=0.403>0.05)。2)4周Hi Hi Lo低氧训练后,ACE基因I/D多态性不同基因型间的生理表型指标Hb、RBC变化量均无显著性差异(P>0.05);但不同基因型受试者之间V·O2max绝对值的变化量呈现出统计学意义(P<0.05),其中DD基因型受试者的V·O2max较ID基因型受试者相比显著增加(P<0.05),同时,DD基因型受试者V·O2max相对值与II、ID基因型受试者相比有增高的趋势(P<0.10)。结论:ACE基因I/D多态性与4周Hi Hi Lo低氧训练后V·O2max变化可能存在关联,与血象等生理表型指标变化无明显关联性。
Objective: In the study,we researched association between the 287 bp fragment insert( I) / Deletion( D) polymorphism of 16 th intron in ACE gene and physiological phenotype parameters response to hypoxia training. Methods: 35 healthy subjects completed 4 weeks living high-exercise high-training low( Hi Hi Lo) programs in a simulate altitude of 2500 m. The I / D in ACE gene was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction,and maximal oxygen uptake( V·O2max),hemoglobin( Hb) and red blood cell( RBC) were measured before and after Hi Hi Lo using Association-Study. Then,we investigated association between I / D in ACE gene and physiological phenotype parameters variation response to hypoxia training. Results: 1) Genotype frequency of I / D polymorphism in ACE gene was as follows: II( 40%),ID( 51%),DD( 9%),and genotype distributions were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium among these subjects( x^2= 0. 699 P = 0. 403 0. 05). 2) After 4weeks Hi Hi Lo hypoxia training,there has no significant difference in the change of RBC,Hb between genotypes of I / D polymorphism in ACE gene. However,there existed a significantly difference in the change of absolute value of V·O2max( P〈0.05),and differently tendency in the change of relative value of V·O2max( P〈0.10) between genotypes of I/D polymorphism in ACE gene after 4 weeks Hi Hi Lo hypoxia training. And the DD genotype was superior to II and ID genotype. Conclusion: These findings suggested that insertion / deletion polymorphism in ACE gene was possibly associated with the change of V·O2maxafter Hi Hi Lo hypoxia training,and DD genotype showed some advantages.
Journal of Shenyang Sport University