
血液安全监测——基于事实、重在改进 被引量:12

Hemovigilance: evidence-based improvement
摘要 血液安全监测(HV)就是持续地收集和分析与输血和献血有关的不良反应/不良事件(AR/AE),调查AR/AE的原因和后果,从而预防其发生或再发生。HV是血液质量管理体系不可分割的重要组成部分,覆盖从献血者到受血者(所谓"从血管到血管")的整个血液链。建立行之有效的HV系统要基于正确的理念与途径,至关重要的是坚持"从差错中学习"的"非惩罚性原则",也就是从理念到行动,或"从大脑到血管"。国内应尽快学习和借鉴其他国家HV的先进经验,通过制订政策、规划、模式与相关标准和指南,在我国逐步推进HV工作,进而建立HV系统。 Hemovigilance( HV) is a continuous process of data collection and analysis of transfusion-related adverse reactions and events( AR / AE) in order to investigate their causes and outcomes,and to prevent their occurrence or recurrence. HV is very important for blood safety and should be applied as an integral part of quality management in the blood system to continuously improve the quality and safety of blood transfusion. HV covers all activities of the blood chain from donors to recipients,also known as vein-to-vein. The establishment of effective HV systems takes sound concept and proper roadmap as foundation. Above all,the principles of non-punitive principle and learning from trials and errors were emphasized. This is called brain-to-vein,or perceptions to actions. A study on the practices in other countries and learning from their experiences is strongly recommended. Through formulating policies,evaluating varieties of modes and mechanisms,and compiling standards and guidelines,HV systems will be promoted and gradually established in China.
机构地区 上海市血液中心
出处 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第12期1540-1543,共4页 Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion
关键词 血液安全监测 献血者 受血者 血液链 不良反应/不良事件 非惩罚性原则 hemovigilance blood donor blood recipient blood chain adverse reaction / adverse event non-punitive principle
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