目的观察采用巩膜扣带术治疗增生性玻璃体视网膜病变(PVR)分级在C3和D1的陈旧性视网膜脱离的效果。设计回顾性病例系列。研究对象2013年3月到2014年5月在北京同仁医院经巩膜扣带术治疗的陈旧性视网膜脱离16例16眼。方法回顾性分析16例(16眼)PVR分级在C3(9眼)和D1(7眼)的陈旧性视网膜脱离患者的临床资料、手术方式和疗效。主要指标PVR分级、视力、视网膜复位状况。结果 16眼均采用巩膜外冷冻-硅胶外加压-环扎术,一次手术视网膜复位成功15眼(93.8%)。术后视力均有不同程度提高,提高2行以上者6眼。结论对于部分PVR分级在C3和D1的陈旧视网膜脱离,巩膜扣带术治疗可获得满意的效果。
Objective To investigate the therapeutic effects of scleral buckling operation on longstanding rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Design Retrospective case series. Participants Sixteen patients (16 eyes) with proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) C3 (9 eyes) and D1 (7 eyes) who had undergone scleral buckling operation in Tongren Hospital from March 2013 to May 2014. Methods The clinical data, therapeutic methods, visual acuity and retinal reattachment of the 16 patients (16 eyes) were retrospective analyzed. Main Outcome Measures Classification of PVR, visual acuity, reattachment of retina. Results 15 eyes (93.8%) had one-off successful reat- tachment. Visual acuity of all the 16 eyes was improved during the follow-up duration, in which the visual acuity was improved 2 lines in six eyes. Conclusion Scleral buckling operation can be used to treat some longstanding rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with PVR C3 and D1.
Ophthalmology in China