
不同氮肥模式下2个高产玉米品种物质积累与产量效益特性研究 被引量:12

Study on Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield Benefit Characteristics of Two High-yield Maize Cultivars Under Different Nitrogen Regimes
摘要 为实现玉米的高产高效栽培,以高产玉米品种郑单958和先玉335为供试材料,设置4个施氮水平:0、180、240和300 kg·hm-2,分别标记为N0、N1、N2和N3,研究并探讨不同氮肥模式下2个高产玉米品种的干物质积累量与产量效益特性。结果表明,随施氮量增加,2个玉米品种籽粒产量和经济效益均增加,且以N2处理最高,其中先玉335籽粒产量和经济效益显著高于郑单958。随生育进程的递进,2个玉米品种叶面积指数均呈降低趋势,随施氮量增加,2个玉米品种叶面积指数呈增加趋势。在不同氮肥模式下,先玉335叶面积指数、花后物质积累量和分配比例均高于郑单958。2个玉米品种群体干物质积累量在开花期之前差异不显著,其差异主要表现在开花后;2个品种花后物质积累量以N3处理最高,而分配比例则以N0处理最高。本研究可为夏玉米高产高效栽培提供理论依据和技术指导。 In order to provide scientific basis for high yield and efficient maize cultivation,a field experiment was carried out at Yanjin institution of agricultural sciences in 2013 growth seasons,using two high-yield maize cultivars,Zhengdan958 and Xianyu 335. Four nitrogen application rates were arranged with 0 kg·hm- 2,180 kg·hm- 2,240 kg·hm- 2and300 kg·hm- 2,marked as N0,N1,N2 and N3,respectively. The objective of this study was to study dry matter accumulation and yield benefit of two maize cultivars under different nitrogen regimes. The results showed that with the increase of N application rate,grain yield and economic benefits in two maize varieties increased,and grain yield and economic benefit in N2 treatment was the highest for both cultivars. Under different N regimes,grain yield and economic benefit of Xianyu 335 was higher than that of Zhengdan 958. As the growing stage delayed,leaf area index decreased in both cultivars. With increasing of N application rate,leaf area index in two maize varieties were increased. Under different N regimes,leaf area index of Xianyu 335 was higher than that of Zhengdan 958. With the increase of N application rate,population dry matter accumulation in two maize varieties have no significant difference before anthesis,while significant difference was found after anthesis. Dry matter accumulation amount after anthesis in N3 treatment was highest in both cultivars,while distribution rate was highest in N0 treatment. Under different N regimes,dry matter accumulation amount and distribution rate after anthesis of Xianyu 335 was higher than that of Zhengdan 958. These results indicated that reasonal N regimes had higher grain yield and economic benefits. The above results will provide reference and induction for efficiently cultivation of maize in summer.
出处 《核农学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期2402-2409,共8页 Journal of Nuclear Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家农业科技成果转化资金项目(2012GB2D000267) 河南省科技成果转化项目(132201110031) 河南省重大科技专项项目(121100110900) 河南省科技攻关计划项目(122102110064)
关键词 玉米 品种 氮肥 干物质积累与分配 籽粒产量 经济效益 maize cultivars nitrogen fertilizer dry matter accumulation and distribution grain yield economic benefits
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