
陀螺电机动压气体轴承间隙误差分析与改进 被引量:8

Analysis and improvement on gap deviation of gas-dynamic bearing for gyroscope motor
摘要 H型动压气体轴承陀螺电机(以下简称"动压电机")装配后的组合间隙是轴承筛选的关键指标。实际工程中部分动压电机产品的组合间隙与按照轴承零件尺寸计算的间隙相差较大,测量重复性差,合格率较低。为了进一步提高动压电机的一致性和合格率,首先从轴承间隙的测量方法入手,对轴承间隙测量误差建立模型树进行分析,找出了轴承零件尺寸稳定性、多余物以及间隙测量工装是影响轴承间隙测量误差的主要因素,提出了增加稳定处理,优化间隙测量工装,抑制电机污染源,组合清洗等技术改进措施,并通过合理调整间隙控制指标,显著提高了动压电机一致性和合格率。这些思路方法都为动压电机生产量化控制和可靠性筛选提供了很好的借鉴参考价值。 The gap deviation of H-style gas-dynamic bearing in gyroscope motor is a crucial factor in screening the bearings. There are significant differences between the actual gap and the one calculated by the size of bearing parts. In order to improve the product's consistency and passing-rate, the measurement method of the bearing gap is discussed by establishing the gap's tree model. It is found that the shape precision stability of bearing parts, the extra material and the measurement frock are the main influencing factors. Some technical means are presented and discussed accordingly, such as stabilization process, optimal design on measurement frock, restraining the pollutant source and using combined-cleaning technology. The gap specification used for the gas bearing screening is properly adjusted through data analysis. The repeatability of the gap measurement and the passing rate of the gas-bearing gyroscope motor is significantly improved. These technical means and ideas are in favor of the quantization control and the reliability screening of the H-style gas-dynamic bearing gyroscope motor.
出处 《中国惯性技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期786-793,共8页 Journal of Chinese Inertial Technology
基金 总装装备预先研究课题(51309010603)
关键词 动压气体轴承 轴承间隙 陀螺电机 可靠性 gas-dynamic bearing bearing gap gyroscope motor reliability
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