

Effects of Moderate Strength Cold Air Activity on Hypertensive Patients
摘要 通过中等强度冷空气对人群高血压疾病影响的实验研究,探讨冷空气对高血压疾病影响的机理。选取甘肃省张掖市为实验地点,于现场研究前,经健康筛查及血液学检查和实验过程严格的质量控制,最后确定30例心脑血管疾病患者为病例组,30例健康人为对照组。在2013年4月27—28日冷空气发生的过程中进行了科学实验,分别于冷空气暴露前、过境时和过境后对60名研究对象进行了血压、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、肾上腺素(E)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(ANGⅡ)检测,分析了其在冷空气过境前、中、后的变化。结果表明,冷空气暴露过程可导致人群NE、E和ANGⅡ的代谢和分泌显著增加,引起无论是心血管病人还是健康人血压升高,并且在冷空气影响结束后还不能立刻恢复。通过这些生化指标分析得知,冷空气过程导致心脑血管病人和健康人血压的升高途径主要是交感神经系统(SNS)的激活,ANGⅡ浓度水平的升高,进而促进NE的释放增加,激活血管紧张素系统(RAS)。通过这些系统的综合作用,共同导致血压的升高;初步探讨了冷空气活动导致人群血压升高的可能机理。 The mechanism underlying the effects of cold air on hypertensive disorders was investigated in an experimental study examining blood pressure and biochemical indicators. Zhangye, a city in Gansu Province, China, was selected as the experimental site. Health screening and blood tests were conducted. 30 cardiovascular disease patients and 30 healthy subjects were recruited. The experiment was performed during a cold event during April 26–29, 2013. Blood pressure, norepinephrine(NE), epinephrine(E) and angiotensin II(ANG–II) levels of the 60 subjects were evaluated 24 h before cold air activity, during cold air activity, and 24 h after cold air activity. The change before, during, and after the cold air activity was analyzed. Cold air exposure can cause a significant increase of metabolism and secretion of norepinephrine(NE), epinephrine(E) and angiotensin II(ANG-II) in subjects, Furthermore, the mean value of NE, E, ANG II and the systolic blood pressure still maintained at a high level one hour after the end of the cold air exposure. The impact of cold air exposure on the change of blood pressure was shown in both cardiovascular patients and healthy people, and the effect on the cardiovascular patients lasted longer. Cold air exposure increases blood pressure in cardiovascular disease patients and healthy subjects via the sympathetic nervous system(SNS) that is activated first and which augments ANG-II levels accelerating the release of the norepinephrine and stimulates the renin-angiotensin system(RAS). The combined effect of these factors leads to a rise in blood pressure. This paper discusses preliminarily the possible mechanism for increasing human blood pressure led by cold air.
出处 《气象科技进展》 2015年第6期37-41,共5页 Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40975069) 公益性行业(气象)科研专项(GYHY201106034)
关键词 冷空气 去甲肾上腺素 血管紧张素Ⅱ 高血压 机理 cold air norepinephrine(NE) angiotensin II(ANG–II) hypertension disorders mechanism
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