Both endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS)-guided choledochoduodenostomy( EUS- CDS) and EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy(EUS-HGS) are relatively well established as alternatives to percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage(PTBD). Both EUSCDS and EUS-HGS have high technical and clinical success rates(more than 90%) in high-volume centers. Complications for both procedures remain high at 10%-30%. Procedures performed by endoscopists who have done fewer than 20 cases sometimes result in severe or fatal complications. When learning EUSguided biliary drainage(EUS-BD), we recommend a mentor's supervision during at least the first 20 cases. For inoperable malignant lower biliary obstruction, a skillful endoscopist should perform EUS-BD before EUS-guided rendezvous technique(EUS-RV) and PTBD. We should be select EUS-BD for patients having altered anatomy from malignant tumors before balloon-enteroscope-assisted endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, EUS-RV, and PTBD. If both EUS-CDS and EUS-HGS are available, we should select EUS-CDS, according to published data. EUSBD will potentially become a first-line biliary drainage procedure in the near future.
Both endoscopic ultrasonography(EUS)-guided choledochoduodenostomy( EUS- CDS) and EUS-guided hepaticogastrostomy(EUS-HGS) are relatively well established as alternatives to percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage(PTBD). Both EUSCDS and EUS-HGS have high technical and clinical success rates(more than 90%) in high-volume centers. Complications for both procedures remain high at 10%-30%. Procedures performed by endoscopists who have done fewer than 20 cases sometimes result in severe or fatal complications. When learning EUSguided biliary drainage(EUS-BD), we recommend a mentor's supervision during at least the first 20 cases. For inoperable malignant lower biliary obstruction, a skillful endoscopist should perform EUS-BD before EUS-guided rendezvous technique(EUS-RV) and PTBD. We should be select EUS-BD for patients having altered anatomy from malignant tumors before balloon-enteroscope-assisted endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, EUS-RV, and PTBD. If both EUS-CDS and EUS-HGS are available, we should select EUS-CDS, according to published data. EUSBD will potentially become a first-line biliary drainage procedure in the near future.