
曲线型钢桁架连廊人行振动与舒适度评价 被引量:2

Pedestrian-induced Vibration and Comfort Evaluation for a Curved Shape Steel Truss Skybridge
摘要 某曲线型钢桁架空中连廊用以连接两栋建筑。由于净跨度达45 m,需要对该空中连廊结构进行振动分析和舒适度评价。本文基于结构健康监测的理论框架,首先开展了现场加速度响应实测。布置了多组加速度传感器,得到了在各种行走和跳跃工况下的空中连廊加速度响应数据。然后对空中连廊结构的自振频率,进行了有效的识别。利用有限元软件,建立了高精度的空中连廊结构有限元模型,并且提出了空中连廊行人荷载模式和激励力的精细化数学模型。在此基础上,对实测数据和数值分析振动结果进行了逐一比对。比较结果验证了现场实测数据和有限元模型本身的可靠性。最后,结合国内外规范尤其是刚刚颁布的国标新规范对人行舒适度进行合理的量化评价。 A steel truss skybridge with curved shape connected with two buildings. Pedestrian-induced vibration analysis and comfort evaluation for skybridge should be taken on account of its net span of 45 meters. Based on the theoretical framework of structural health monitoring, this paper firstly carried out the acceleration response measurement caused by the pedestrian-induced vibration. Installing several group of sensors, the acceleration response data could be obtained in any walk or jump condition. Then the natural frequency of vibration for the structure was identified effectively. By using finite element software, high-precision finite element model of the skybridge was built, also the pedestrian load model and exciting force mathematical model were put forward. On that basis, a few comparisons between measured data and numerical analysis data were taken on. The comparative results verified the reliability of the finite element model. Finally, comfort quantitative evaluation of the skybridge was made by considering domestic and international standards especially environmental vibration standard, which was promulgated recently.
作者 单美弟 李强
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2016年第1期167-174,共8页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 交通运输部科技项目(2011318223170) 国家自然科学基金资助(项目批准号:51008275)
关键词 空中连廊 现场实测 人行振动 有限元分析 振动舒适度 skybridge field measurement pedestrian-induced vibration finite element analysis comfort evaluation
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