
环境正义中的女性:另类的生态女性主义运动 被引量:8

Women in Environmental Justice: Alternative Eco-feminism Movement
摘要 "环境正义"作为有别于传统环境主义的绿色运动,为妇女们突破自己的传统角色定位提供了施展才能的机会和巨大的空间舞台。保护孩子的母性本能、维护家园健康的天职、对日常生计来源的依赖等,不仅使女性从默默无闻的家庭主妇一跃晋升为环境正义斗争的急先锋,也促成了女性与男性在环境正义中极具差异的表现。但女性在环境正义中的行为不能简单归并到生态女性主义旗下,它属于另类意义上的生态女性运动。 As a green movement which is different from traditional environmentalism, environmental justice provides women opportunity and huge space stage to break through their traditional sole and display their talent. To protect the child's maternal instincts, home health maintenance duty, the daily livelihood depends, etc., not only make women from unknown housewife to pioneers but also induce the most differences between them and men in the struggle environmental justice. But the behavior of women in environmental justice can't be simply merged into eco-feminism. It belongs to an alternative eco-feminism movement.
作者 王云霞
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期45-50,共6页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 国家社科基金项目"我国环境正义问题的理论维度研究"(15BZX039)
关键词 女性 环境正义 生态女性主义 Women Environmental Justice Eco-feminism
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