
从政府创新到政府创新管理:一个分析框架 被引量:10

From Government Innovation to Government Innovation Management:An Analytical Framework
摘要 创新激励、创新能力和创新应用是政府创新系统中的三个核心要素。创新激励虚弱或导向偏差,创新能力不足,创新难以有效持续和扩散是当前政府创新面临的主要问题。这些问题的形成与三组变量密切相关:创新风险和利益相关性;组织结构、组织资源和专业的知识储备;政治影响、同级竞争以及创新成果的制度化水平。政府创新管理的逻辑在于围绕政府创新中存在的问题和主体因素,主动对政府创新进行制度化和组织化的全过程管理。依据政府创新的过程,可将政府创新划分为创新发起、创新实施、创新应用和创新考核四个环节。政府创新管理旨在围绕这四个环节,通过构建创新激励机制、能力培养机制、成果应用机制和创新考核机制,激发创新动力,提高创新能力,推动政府创新的持续和扩散。 Nnovation incentive,capacity and application are three key elements of government innovation.The weakness or orientation bias of innovation incentives,inadequateness of innovation capacity and the lack of persistence and diffusion of innovation are the major issues of government innovation.These issues are closely related to three sets of variables:the innovation risks and the interest relevance;organizational structure,organizational resources and professional knowledge;the political influence,peer competition and the institutional level of the innovation.The logic of government Innovation management is managing the innovation process initiatively,systematically and organizationally.The process of government innovation can be divided into four stages including innovation launch,implementation,application and assessment.Government innovation management is aimed at stimulating the innovation motivation,improving the innovative capacity and promoting the persistence and diffusion of innovation by building innovation incentive mechanism,capacity-building mechanism,application mechanism and evaluation mechanism.
作者 陈永杰 曹伟
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期40-44,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"反腐败法治化与科学的权力结构和运行机制研究"(编号:14ZDA016) 国家社科基金青年项目"西部乡镇治理体系与治理能力现代化实证研究"(编号:14CSH009)
关键词 政府创新 创新管理 政府改革 government innovation innovation management government reform
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