"All My Galley Slaves" Border-crossing is a repeated theme in Nabokov studies. Scholars home and abroad have carried a long list of studies in this field. However, little has been written on the specific bor- der-crossing termed metalepsis in Nabokov's works, in spite of the fact that it is frequently used by Nabokov, carried out by various figures. This essay will examine four of Nabokov's works ("La Veneziana" [ 1924 ], "Recruiting" [ 1935 ], Pnin [ 1957 ] and King, Queen, Knave [ 1928 & 1968 ] ), attempting to delineate the characteristics and evolution of Nabokov's metaleptic approach as he built up his unique voice. As the essay shows, in his fictions, Nabokov's metaleptic approach evolves from being ambiguous to clear-cut, and intra- metalepsis plays a dominant role throughout. This approach assures the superiority and authority of the higher- level creators, as well as the stability of the hierarchical narrative structure. Framed in such a structure, Nabokov's characters remain manipulated and passive most of the time, as what Nabokov had claimed in an in- terview, "[ m ] y characters are galley slaves".
Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)