
现代各主要人群中面部 3D 几何形态的对比 被引量:14

The Origin of Modern Humans in China Viewed from the Paleolithic Data and Daoxian Human Fossils
摘要 中面部的形态是个人识别的重要依据,并且长期以来都在各人种的形态对比研究中占有重要的地位。而中面部骨骼形态复杂,骨骼表面不规则,很难用传统的方法来进行测量和比较。本文采用基于三维表面半标志点的几何形态测量学研究东亚现代人中面部的形态及其变异范围,并与其他各大地理位置中的现代人群的中面部形态进行对比,为人类演化和对比不同人群的形态研究建立基础数据。本研究结果显示中面部形态能够大致区分各个现代人群,其中东亚现代人与除美洲印第安人以外的所有现代人的中面部形状之间都具有较为明显的差异。东亚现代人与澳大利亚和非洲的现代人中面部形状之间的差别最明显,而与欧洲和东南亚现代人的分布范围有部分重叠。东亚现代人群中面部的平均形状却具有非常明显的特点:沿着正中矢状面的结构回缩,而两侧的结构向前方和两侧突出。而其他现代人群的中面部平均形状则呈现出相反的特征,即沿着正中矢状面的结构为突出,而两侧的结构回缩的特征。这些特点在东亚发现的化石人类标本中也有很高的发生率,这表明这些中面部特征在东亚人类进化的序列是连续的,并无受到干扰的迹象。 In the scenario suggested by both Recent Out of Africa and Assimilation hypotheses the Paleolithic prevalent in Levant during the time of inhabitation of the first population of modem humans in Asia was of Mode III. The proponents of ROA believe that it is most reasonable to infer that the descendants of this population arrived in China around 60kyr and thereafter totally replaced the indigenous population. Because Mode I is persisted in China since its occurrence so a sudden big change from Mode I to Mode III or other derived technique would happen in China during the replacement of the indigenous population by the immigrants. The Assimilation Hypothesis is somewhat different only in that the replacement was subtotal instead of total. To test the main hypotheses debating on the origin of modem humans in China, the authors present almost all Paleolithic sites of China with chronometric dates later than 130kyr in Table 1 in which the name, latitude and longitude of sites, dates, techniques of dating and Modes can be easily understood by English speaking people. This Table shows the technique of most of the sites are of Mode I, only a few are of Mode III, Mode IV and Mode V. The Mode III occurred as late as nearly 40kyr ago at Shuidonggou site. This circumstance is in accordance with the Multiregional Evolution hypothesis which predicts the persistence of Mode I in China before and after any date of the postulated replacement of indigenous population in China. In addition, the much fewer existence of Paleolithic sites of Modes other than Mode I supports the hypothesis of "Continuity with Hybridization" for human evolution in China. Other more Paleolithic sites without chronometric date but being attributed to Late Pleistocene based on faunal and stratigraphical correlations and yielding stone artefacts of Mode I further strengthen the conclusions of this paper. The newely published Daoxian human fossil teeth the modem huamn morphology of China is more from immigrants. of 120-80 kya provide further evidence that probably originated in native territory than
作者 吴新智 徐欣
出处 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期1-13,共13页 Acta Anthropologica Sinica
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA05130202) 中国科学院重点部署项目(KZZD-EW-15) 科技基础性工作专项(2014FY110300)
关键词 现代人 中面部 三维 几何形态测量 Modem human origin China Paleolithic Daoxian human fossils
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