

Research of Satellite Tactical Communication Network Routing Protocol Simulation Based on TDMA
摘要 为了构建一个面向全球的高效和无缝的战术通信网络系统,通过对移动卫星节点与地面移动通信网的组网技术研究,运用网络仿真软件OPNET Modeler的强大功能,提出了基于模块化的天基战术通信网的协议框架,建立了基于TDMA的数据链路层和基于层次化路由的网络层协议模型,能够满足各个网络层次的功能,实现了高度模块化和层次化。实现了基于OPNET的DSR路由协议和层次化路由协议并进行了仿真对比,为网络的规划设计提供客观、可靠的定量依据。 In order to build a globally oriented efficient and seamless tactical communication network system, on the research of satellite and mobile communication network technology, using simulation software OPNET Modeler, a TDMA model and unique tactical communications network was designed. Its main feature is full-completion five layers network model which can satisfy the function of each network level, also provides a reliable basis for later work. After compared with DSR routing, the hierarchical routing shows some advantages in simulation. Some valuable conclusions were drawn, which can provide objective, reliable information for network planning and design.
机构地区 西安工业大学
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期467-475,共9页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 Xi’an science fund(CXY-1340-6)
关键词 层次化路由 DSR路由 TDMA 战术通信网 网络仿真 hierarchical routing protocol DSR routing protocol TDMA tactical communications network network simulation
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