
当代穆斯林移民与法国社会:融入还是分离? 被引量:9

The Modern Muslim Immigrants and French Society:Integration or Segregation?
摘要 法国是欧洲国家中穆斯林移民在数量和占比上均位居前列的国家。从该国穆斯林的构成看,北非马格里布诸国是法国穆斯林最主要的来源地。由于多种因素,穆斯林移民对法国社会的融入程度很低,与主流社会疏离严重,大多沦为社会底层,在就业、福利、治安、文化等领域对法国社会造成了压力并引发了与当地社会的紧张关系。张力积聚到一定程度并在合适的诱因下,移民问题便以极端的方式爆发。法国政府采取了对外加强移民管控,对内放松同化政策、改造移民聚居区等措施来应对移民问题。但是鉴于该问题由来已久,且受到国内外多重因素的影响,解决起来绝非易事。促进移民全面融入社会从而从根本上铲除恐怖主义的根源,仍需要法国长期的政策探索和穆斯林移民的共同努力。 France is one of the European countries with highest number and proportion of Muslim immigration, which mainly came from the Maghreb countries of North Africa. However, for various reasons, Muslim immigrants are having great difficulties in integrating into the French society. Isolated from the mainstream group and fallen into the bottom of the society, the Muslim population has caused a series of negative impacts on the host country in both economic and social fields, and led to a continuing conflict and tension with the mainstream society. The tension, when reaching a certain level, will inevitably break out. That' s why the "events of the Charlie Hebdo" and the terrorist attack occurred in Paris. French government is trying to deal with the immigration issues by a lot of policy practices, such as strengthening the immigration control, loosening the so - called assimilation policy, renovating the subway to where the migrants inhabit. However, since Rome is not build in one day, there' re a series of factors which affect this issue from inside and outside. So a full integration of Muslims into the French society at all levels in order to eradicate terrorism is no easy task. It needs the common and continuing efforts from both the host country and the Muslim immigrants.
作者 彭姝祎
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期38-56,共19页 West Asia and Africa
关键词 移民问题 穆斯林移民 难民 北非 法国 Immigrants Muslim Immigrants Refugee North Africa France
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