
基于Radon-MDCFT的空间高速机动目标检测与参数估计方法 被引量:3

Space maneuvering target detection and parameter estimation based on Radon-MDCFT
摘要 提出一种基于Radon-修正离散线性调频傅里叶变换(Radon-modified discrete chirp Fourier transform,RMDCFT)的空间高速机动目标检测与参数估计的方法。该方法在目标运动参数范围内进行搜索,将目标数据从距离单元-慢时间域中取出并进行相应匹配变换处理,在补偿回波数据相位并进行相参积累以用于目标检测的基础上同时得到目标速度和加速度的估计结果。该方法能同时对距离徙动和多普勒走动进行校正,并可在脉冲数有限和低信噪比下有效地检测到空间高速机动目标并获得较好的参数估计结果。仿真结果和对所提方法的输出信噪比表达式的数学推导结果证明了所提方法的有效性。 A new method which is known as Radon-modified discrete chirp Fourier transform(RMDCFT)is proposed to detect the space target and obtain the target's parameters.The RMDCFT algorithm can obtain the data of the echo from the range unit-slow time domain by searching the target's motion parameters,then the corresponding transformation processing can be made.After that,the CFAR detection algorithm can be used and the target's velocity and acceleration can also be obtained.This method can solve the range cell migration and Doppler frequency migration problems,and it is able to obtain the good estimation's performance.This method is capable of detecting the target under the low SNR background.The performance of the proposed algorithm is verified through the numerical simulations and the mathematical derivation about the RMDCFT's output signal-to-noise ratio expression which is given.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期493-500,共8页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61231017 61471365 61571442) 中央高校基本科研业务费项目(3122015B002) 中国民航大学蓝天青年学者培养经费资助课题
关键词 空间目标 距离徙动 多普勒走动 目标检测 参数估计 space target range cell migration(RCM) Doppler frequency migration(DFM) target detection parameter estimation
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