

Study on Space Launch Site Motor Condition Assessment Based on Lubricants Condition Analysis
摘要 基于状态的维修是建立在对设备状态实时或近实时评估基础上的一种维修方式,其核心思想是在有需要维修的明显征兆时才进行维修。电机广泛应用于航天发射场地面设备,电机状态评估作为航天发射场地面设备预防性维修的重要组成部分,是实施电机基于状态维修的前提,是实现精确维修的重要基础。本文结合发射场地面设备状态评估的实际,将电机的状态划分为五类;提出了电机状态评估的指标体系,并在此基础上,基于灰色理论和模糊理论建立了电机状态评估模型;最后,将建立的评估模型应用到电机的状态评估中,验证了模型的可行性和有效性。 Condition Based on Maintenance is on the basic of the equipment status in real time or near real-time assessment on the basis of a maintenance mode,and its core idea is to carry out the maintenance of the obvious signs of the need for maintenance.Motors are widely used in space launch site ground equipment.As an important part of the preventive maintenance of space launch site ground equipment,electrical machinery condition assessment is on the basic of premise of the implementation of the state of repair of the motor,and it is an important basis for accurate maintenance.In this paper,the state of the motor is divided into five categories according to the actual state of the ground equipment of the launching field,the motor state evaluation index system is proposed,and based on the gray theory and fuzzy theory,the motor state evaluation model is established.Finally,the evaluation model will be applied to the assessment of the motor's state,feasibility and effectiveness.
出处 《价值工程》 2016年第5期208-210,共3页 Value Engineering
关键词 航天发射场 润滑油 地面设备 电机 状态评估 space launch site lubricants ground equipment motor condition assessment
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