
The Feigned Madness of Ulysses and Hamlet: A Derridean Reading of Cartesian Cogito

The Feigned Madness of Ulysses and Hamlet: A Derridean Reading of Cartesian Cogito
摘要 Ulysses, the towering mythological figure and the hero of the world's most famous epic The Odyssey, put on the pretence of madness to shirk the Trojan War. This is not mentioned in Homer, but in Fabulae by Gaius Julius Hyginus. Similarly, Hamlet put on an "antic disposition" after the ghost exhorted him to kill King Claudius. In these two cases taken from mythology and literature, and pertaining to the Classical period and the Elizabethan age respectively, intelligent characters put on the pretence of madness, in their battle with society though they are in control of their senses. It is the aim of this paper to examine the dynamics of reason and non-reason when combined and brought so close to one another, that they could be easily confounded, in light of Derrida's reading of Descartes' formulations about reason. Since the two examined works pertain to the Classical and Elizabethan ages respectively, the paper will shed light on the historical background of madness in these periods to give a broader perspective of reason and madness in these works.
出处 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第2期135-146,共12页 文学与艺术研究(英文版)
关键词 feigned madness reason ULYSSES HAMLET DERRIDA DESCARTES Gaius Julius Hyginus Shakespeare 阅读 德里 哈姆 笛卡儿 伊丽莎白 非理性 奥德赛 动力学
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