
河北邯郸钢铁冶炼区周边麦田土和小麦籽粒的多环芳烃含量及其组分谱特征 被引量:24

Concentrations and Component Profiles PAHs in Surface Soils and Wheat Grains from the Cornfields Close to the Steel Smelting Industry in Handan,Hebei Province
摘要 在大型邯郸钢铁公司周边不同样区的麦田成对采集表层土壤和成熟的小麦籽粒样品,检测US EPA优控的16种母体多环芳烃(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,PAHs)的浓度和组分谱,确定当地麦田表土PAHs的空间分布特征、与总有机碳TOC分数的相关性.由此,初步开展PAHs源解析,并简单探讨小麦籽粒PAHs与表土PAHs的关联性.结果表明,麦田表土总PAHs平均中位数含量为398.9 ng·g-1(范围123.4~1 626.4 ng·g-1),根据丹麦的土壤质量标准,所有表土样品中PAHs总含量超过限值占18%,而苯并[a]芘含量超过限值的样品占总数的10%.表土PAHs组分谱以中、高环组分为主体.利用同分异构体特征比值进行初步源解析,显示煤与生物质燃烧和交通燃油(尾气)是当地PAHs主要混合排放源.各样区麦田表土TOC分数与PAHs总含量、与不同环数组分含量都呈现类似的显著正相关.邯郸钢铁公司周边麦田小麦籽粒的总PAHs平均中位数含量为27.0 ng·g-1(范围19.0~34.0 ng·g-1),PAHs含量较低且未超过欧盟与国内的相关食品卫生标准.小麦籽粒中优势低环组分占总体的84%,其组分谱分布与麦田表土有所不同,显示小麦籽粒的PAHs除去根部吸收、传输外,还存在大气干湿沉降通过叶表(气孔)进入小麦体内等其它输入途径. In this study,paired surface soil and mature wheat grain samples were collected in the cornfields near the large Handan Steel Manufacturer; and the total concentrations and compositional profiles of the parent PAHs were measured,then the spatial distribution characteristics and correlation with total organic carbon fractions in soil were determined. Accordingly,a preliminary source identification was performed,and the association between PAHs in surface soil and wheat grain was briefly discussed. The median concentration of total PAHs in surface soils from the cornfields of Handan was 398. 9 ng·g- 1( ranged from 123. 4 ng·g- 1to 1 626. 4ng·g- 1,where around 18% and 10% of all the studied soil samples were over the corresponding quality criteria for total PAHs and B[a]P in soils,respectively. The MMW and HMW species were the main components in the compositional profiles of surface soils.Based on the specific isomeric ratios of PAHs species,coal / biomass combustion and transportation fuel( tail gas) were the dominant mixed sources for the local PAHs emission. The fractions of surface soil TOC had significant positive correlations with the total PAHs and also with the individual components with different rings. In addition,the median concentration of total PAHs in wheat grains collected in the cornfields near the Handan Steel Manufacture was 27. 0 ng·g- 1( ranged from 19. 0-34. 0 ng·g- 1). The levels in wheat grains were not high,and lower than the related hygienic standards of food proposed by EU and China. The LMW and MMW PAHs with 2 to 4 rings occupied a larger proportion,more than 84% of the total PAHs,which was largely different from the component profiles in surface soils. This situation suggested that the local sources of PAHs in wheat grains may originate not only from surface soil via root absorption and internal transportation,but also from ambient air through dry and wet deposition on the leaf surface( stoma).
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期740-749,共10页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41390240 41071312) 国家重点基础研究规划(973)项目(2014CB441101)
关键词 钢铁冶炼 多环芳烃 麦田表土 小麦籽粒 分布特征 steel smelting PAHs cornfield surface soil wheat grain distribution characteristics
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