

Research on High-precision Continuous Measurement Method for Water Drainage
摘要 三轴试验广泛应用在土力学试验中,用于测量土壤强度和变形等特性。试样在高围压、重载荷下的获得的排水量是衡量试样体变的一个重要指标,排水量的测量精度决定试验的成败。然而,针对直径1.0m、高2.0m的超大试样,试验过程中超大试样向外排水量将达到160L,甚至更高,并且流量不均匀,流速时快时慢,排出时间长。传统的排水量检测方法由主观、客观原因很难满足对其高精度连续测量。该文对常用的传统排水量测量方法的特点进行了分析与梳理,详细阐述了传统排水量测量方法对超大试样排水量测量所面临的难题,最后提出一种满足超大三轴试验中超大试样体变(排水量)特点的连续高精度测量装置设计方案,并对该方案进行了试验验证,试验结果表明,该装置测量精度较高,装置稳定性较好,能够实现对超大试样排水量连续高精度检测。 Tri-axial test is one of the most common soil tests, which can be used to measure soil characteristics such as strength and deformation etc. Water drainage obtained from test samples compressed by high confined pressure and heavy load is a key measurement index of specimen deformation. The measurement precision on water drainage determines the success of the test. However, for a huge test sample of a diameter of 1.0 meters, 2.0 meters high, water drainage can reach 160 L, Or even higher, with a nonuniform flow, a faster or slower flow rate as well as a long time drainage. The traditional measurement methods are difficult to meet the high-precision continuous measurement due to subjective and objective reasons. In this paper, firstly, there is a analysis about the characteristics of the traditional measurement methods for water drainage. Then, this article analyzes the problems which traditional measurement methods face to achieve high-precision continuous measurement for water drainage obtained from a huge test sample. Finally, this paper proposes a solution to achieve high-precision continuous measurement of large, very large water drainage. According to result from the experiment, This solution shows higher measuring accuracy, stronger stability and can achieve high-precision continuous measurement for water drainage obtained from a huge test sample.
出处 《液压气动与密封》 2016年第2期5-7,11,共4页 Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51275068) 航空科学基金(20130863) 中央高校基本科研项目(DUT15LK21)
关键词 超大三轴试验 大排水量 高精度 连续检测 large tri-axial test huge water drainage high precision continuous measurement
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