
不作为因果关系的理论流变与研究进路 被引量:13

The theoretical Development and Research of the Approach of the Causation of Omission
摘要 不作为因果关系因为缺乏自然因果流程参照,在认定上更加困难复杂。早期学说从自然因果论出发,诉诸构成要件外原因力说明因果关系,难以符合构成要件基本理论架构。后期学说虽然回归构成要件要素的范围,但存在着混淆行为认定和因果认定以及标准模糊等问题,最终只能采用拟制作为因果关系的方法形成准因果关系说。而在因果关系归因和归责的双重审视下,准因果关系说存在着以归因判断方法解决归责问题的逻辑难题,不作为因果关系应还原规范评价和归责判断的属性。相当因果关系说通过"相当性"标准体现归责判断,但在不纯正不作为犯情形下难以避免防果义务判断与因果归责的循环论证的问题,混淆构成要件要素层次。客观归责论通过不法风险的制造与实现的分层认定部分缓解了这一问题,但其内涵超越了因果判断的范围,实质为构成要件客观要素判断理论。客观归责论中制造法所不容风险的规则实质为行为判断标准,只能作为不作为因果归责的前规则而非因果归责本身。应倡导以实现不法风险和效力落在构成要件效力范围之内的规则为不作为因果关系的归责理论,而考虑到不作为因果关系缺乏实存因果流程的特点,也就是将其作为不作为因果关系的认定理论。 It is difficult and complicated about the recognition of causation of omission due to the shortness of the reference of natural cause. Early theories employed the acting forces beyond the components of crime that causes the results to illustrate the causation,but they could not fit the construction of the theory of the components of crime. Although the following theories return to use the components of crime,they still confuse the identification of acts and causation and have the problem of fuzziness,and have to develop the quasi- causation theory via the stimulation of the causation of commission.Under the discretion of attribution and imputation of the causation,the quasi- causation theory is problematic to solve the imputation problem through the way of attribution. Causation of omission should return to the nature of judgment of normalization and imputation. Causation of proportionality expresses imputation by the judgment of proportionality,but can not avoid the problem of the argument in a circle of the judgment of the obligation of results preventing and imputation,which may blur the levels of components of crimes. The objective imputation resolve the problem by the recognition of making and realization of illegal risks,however its implication has been beyond the range of judgment of causation,and becomes the theory of objective components of crimes. The making of illegal risks in the theory is the theory of acts actually,which can only be used as the presumption theory of causation and not the theory of causation itself. The theories of realization of illegal risks and the range of effect of components of crimes should be advocated to the theory of imputation of causation,taking the shortness of actual natural cause into consideration,that is the standard of causation.
作者 李川
机构地区 东南大学法学院
出处 《法律科学(西北政法大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期41-48,共8页 Science of Law:Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law
基金 中央高校基本科研费专项资金资助的东南大学优青项目(2242014R30017)
关键词 不作为因果关系 自然因果 相当因果关系 客观归责 causation of omission causation of nature causation of proportionality objective imputation
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