
东北国有林区企业效率测算与分析——DEA方法 被引量:20

Efficiency analysis of the Northeast national forest enterprise-DEA approach
摘要 本文采用 DEA 分析方法,以东北国有林区企业为例,分析了其技术效率、规模经济、TFP 等的变化趋势,结果表明:(1)国有林区经营林地面积小的企业,存在报酬递增规律;经营林地面积大的企业,存在报酬递减规律;而经营一定规模的企业,其规模报酬不变;(2)东北国有林区50家企业的 TFP 下降了5%,其原因在于 TCH 的下降;(3)EFFCH 对 TFP 的变化贡献不大,PECH 和 SECH 对 EFFCH 的影响几乎相差无几,从整体上说,SECH 对 EFFC 为正影响;PECH 对 EFFCH 的影响为负的;(4)1998年以后,TFP 下降更为明显,显然与国家实施天然林保护工程有密切的关系。在此基础上,提出了大型森工企业产业结构调整的政策性建议。这对于振兴东北老工业基地具有一定的指导意义。 the paper uses DEA approach,and the northeast national forest en- terprises have been selected as the samplings,technical efficiency,scale efficiency and TFP has been analyzed.The research results indicate:1)some national forest enterprises have increasing return to scale because of less scale,while some enter- prises have decreasing return to scale,the others have constant return to scale; 2)TFP has reduced sharply because of the reduction of technical change;3)the contribution of efficiency change to TFP is smaller,while SECH has almost no im- pact on efficiency change.4)After natural forest protection program has been launched,TFP has been reduced sharply.In accordance with analysis results, some policy recommendations have been presented,which are benefit to the North- east Industrial base.
作者 刘璨 于法稳
出处 《产业经济评论(山东)》 2006年第1期107-121,共15页 Review of Industrial Economics
关键词 东北国有林区 效率分析 包络数据分析方法 林业经济 the Northeast National Forest Area Efficiency Analysis DEA(data envelopment analysis) Forestry Economics
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