Over the past 10 years,China's coal industry,led by operations in Shanxi.underwent two major restructuring efforts when it came to resources.Each time a large amount of smaller mines were closed or taken over by State-owned coal enterprises leads to a number of major company heads being forced out of the industry.As a result of these changes,anyone who wanted to turn a profit in the coal industry soon discovered that in order to make more money,your only option was to invest more money.This soon led to a rise in private lending,funding and high priced loans that brought a huge amount of investment into private mines in Shanxi.Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia.According to data from the China National Coal Association,by the end of November of last year the total revenue earned by China's 90 major coal companies dropped by 50 billion yuan,a91%year-on-year decrease.With the country's coal enterprises in trouble.China's National Development and Reform Commision has announced that it would continue its reform and restructuring of the industry by encouraging larger coal enterprises to merge with smaller SM Es.Like last time,another round of restructuring is sure to push a number of old leaders who have stood the test of time over the years out of the industry.
China Entrepreneur