
从玛丽·罗兰森的印第安囚掳叙事看北美殖民地白人女性文化越界 被引量:3

Mary Rowlandson's Indian Captivity Narrative and Cultural Border-crossing of White Women in North American Colony
摘要 玛丽·罗兰森根据自己的亲身经历所创作的印第安囚掳叙事开创了北美殖民地这一独特文学体裁,并在很长一段时期里享有盛誉。囚掳叙事对于北美殖民地的意识形态建构起到了助推作用,也宣扬了白人定居者关于印第安人为异教徒和野蛮人的观点。但罗兰森跨越文化边界的经历和叙事,打破了北美殖民时期男性文学声音的一统天下,带来了白人女性对于新大陆神话的反思,尤其是对于被视为异教徒和野蛮人的印第安人的近距离接触和重新认识,为我们重新审视美国早期历史和文化提供了珍贵借鉴。 Mary Row landson's Indian captivity narrative,based on her ow n experience,initiated a new literary genre for the New England colony and had been widely acclaimed. Although it promoted the ideological construction of the North-American colony,and advocated the idea of Indians as aliens and savages,Row landson's experience of cultural border-crossing,nevertheless,broke the literary hegemony of the male voice,revealed white women's reflection on their ow n social roles and the myth of the new world,and demonstrated their new know ledge of the Indians. It provides the precious first-hand reference for readers today to revision the early American history and culture.
作者 金莉
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期130-137,150,共8页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
关键词 印第安人 囚掳叙事 白人女性 文化越界 Indian captivity narrative white women cultural border-crossing
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