
英国诉权化量刑模式的发展演变及其启示 被引量:3

Evolution of the Appeal-right Sentencing Model in UK and Its Implications for China
摘要 诉权化量刑模式是指上诉法院通过确立量刑的规则和制度,并借助上诉审查权监督、制约下级法院量刑的模式。法官量刑时拥有广泛的自由裁量权,通过严格的上诉审查制衡司法自由裁量权,适时修改与完善上诉审查制度,是英国诉权化量刑模式的基本特征。设立量刑委员会并由其与上诉法院联合制定和发布量刑指导制度,试图使量刑制度适当结构化与透明化以及注重对量刑说理的上诉审查,是英国诉权化量刑模式的主要动向。英国诉权化量刑模式表明,我们在量刑时应赋予上诉法院更为宽泛的量刑裁量权,确定合理的量刑步骤并适时颁行、修改量刑规则和标准,同时还应注重量刑说理及其审查,并构建量刑判例数据库。 Appeal-right sentencing is a model according to which a court of appeal establishes the rules of sentencing and oversees and controls the sentencing by the lower court through appellate review. The appeal-right sentencing model in Britain takes the check and balance of the power of judicial discretion through strict appeal procedure and timely revision and improvement the system of appeal review as its basic characteristics. Its main trend of development is to establish a sentencing commission to work and issue sentencing guidance, thereby appropriately together with the appeal court to formulate structuralizing and increasing the transparency of the sentencing system and enabling it to focus more on the appellate review of the reasoning of sentencing. China should draw on the appeal-right sentencing model in Britain, give the appellate court broader discretion in sentencing, determine the reasonable steps of senten- cing, promulgate and modify sentencing rules and standards in due time, attach more importance to sentencing reasoning and its review, and establish a database of sentencing.
作者 彭文华
出处 《环球法律评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期115-129,共15页 Global Law Review
基金 作者主持的2015年度司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目"量刑双轨制研究"(项目编号:15SF B 2016)的阶段性研究成果
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