活动星系核大家族中,除类星体之外,还有塞弗特星系和BL Lac天体等。据估计,河外星系中有将近一半的河外星系具有某种剧烈的活动。大家族的最主要成员是类星体。天文学家对类星体的表面特征做了详细的观测,包括它的亮度、大小和喷流结构。但是,到目前为止,我们只能绘出一张带有想象力的、并不十分确切的类星体结构图。
There is a big family of AGNs (active galactic nuclei), which includes Quasar, Seyfert, BL Lac and others. About half of the AGNs have some active phenomenon. Quasar is the main member of the AGN family. We observed the possible various detail of the quasar including the brightness, size and jets. We show the imaging picture of the quasar structure which may not be a real.
Chinese Journal of Nature