
汉语处所主语形容词谓语构式的认知机制和聚焦过程 被引量:9

Locative subject + adjective-predicate constructions in Mandarin Chinese: Cognitive mechanisms and focusing process
摘要 本文对汉语处所主语形容词谓语构式进行认知语法研究。在该构式中,形容词谓语是对主语所突显出的空间区域中某一方面的描述,这种描述取决于两个认知机制和一个聚焦过程。主语的空间区域突显机制以主语中名词性短语所指的实体为基体,以后置词为突显手段,把基体的某一特定空间区域作为直接辖域突显出来,为谓语的描述提供空间范围。谓语的活跃区激活机制依据形容词谓语所属的认知域,把主语突显出的空间区域中某一方面激活为活跃区,使之成为谓语的描述对象。这两个认知机制紧密相关、依次运作,共同形成一个从基体到直接辖域,再到活跃区逐步具化的聚焦过程,从而形成处所主语构式的独特构式义。 This article aims to account for the locative subject + adjective- predicate construction(LS+APC) in Chinese from a cognitive grammar perspective. The predicate of LS+APC describes a facet of the spatial region profiled by the subject. This description resides in two cognitive mechanisms and a focusing process. The spatial region profiling mechanism of the subject means that the entity designated by the subject serves as the base, a spatial region of which is profiled by the postposition as the immediate scope that then provides a spatial region for the predicate's description. The active zone activating mechanism of the predicate means that the adjective in the predicate activates some facet of the spatial region as the active zone which serves as what the predicate describes. These two cognitive mechanisms are closely related and work one after the other,which eventually brings into being a gradual zooming-in focusing process. The cognitive mechanisms and the focusing process together produce the idiosyncratic constructional meaning of LS+APC.
作者 张克定
机构地区 河南大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期11-21,145,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 国家哲学社科基金项目"空间关系构式的认知研究"(10BYY001)的阶段性成果
关键词 处所主语构式 认知语法 空间区域突显机制 活跃区激活机制 聚焦过程 locative subject + adjective-predicate construction Cognitive Grammar spatial region profiling mechanism active zone activating mechanism focusing process
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