
带保留宾语的被动句与抢偷类双宾句的深层句法联系 被引量:8

The syntactic relations between Chinese passive construction with a retained object and double object construction
摘要 汉语带保留宾语的被动句和抢偷类双宾句看似是两类不同的句式,实际上存在内在深层的句法联系。具体来说,汉语带保留宾语被动句的生成过程并不涉及到领有名词的提升移位,因为其深层宾语并不是一个带"的"字的定中结构,而是具有领属语义的平行的双宾结构。带保留宾语的被动句实际上是经由抢偷类双宾句推导而来。抢偷类双宾句在句法上应看作是一种低阶施用结构,其低阶施用中心语引入间接宾语作为其标志语,直接宾语作为其补足语,在经历被动化后,其间接宾语移位就形成了带保留宾语的被动句。本文的分析有助于解释领有名词提升移位分析法所带来的问题。 Chinese passive construction with a retained object seemingly has nothing to do with the double object construction with the verbs qiang or tou, but in fact they are syntactically interrelated. This paper holds that Chinese passive construction with a retained object does not generate as a result of possessor raising, as the Dstructure of this construction does not involve an attributive phrase with de, but parallel double objects with the semantic relationship of'possessor-possessee'. In other words, this construction is derived from the double object construction with the two objects having the semantic relationship of'possessor-possessee'. The double object construction can be considered a low applicative construction, where the head Appl introduces the indirect object as its specifier and the direct object as its complement. The passivization of this construction leads to the movement of its indirect objects, and thus produces the passive construction with a retained object. This study provides solutions to the problems left behind by the Possessor Raising Analysis.
作者 王娟 周毕吉
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期31-41,145,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"汉语交际能力标准与测评体系研究"(15ZDB101)和国家社科基金青年项目"语用特征对句子生成机制的影响"(12CYY051)的阶段性成果
关键词 带保留宾语的被动句 抢偷类双宾句 低阶施用结构 Chinese passives with retained objects Chinese double object construction low applicative construction
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