
丘脑底核神经波动同步化和稳定性特征与药物治疗相关 被引量:2

Influence of Medication on the Oscillatory and Dynamic Characteristics of Subthalamic Local Field Potentials in Patients with Parkinson's Disease
摘要 人脑局部场电位记录为探索脑深部核团功能提供了独特的方法。本文为研究丘脑底核局部场电位的同步化和动态稳定特性以及药物治疗对其的影响,对帕金森病患者的丘脑底核局部场电位信号进行功率谱分析、时频分析和幅度变异系数分析。结果表明,低Beta频段在不服药状态下存在明显的过度同步化,药物治疗可显著抑制该成分。此外,服药后Theta成分同步化特征显著升高且动态波动性增强,同时Gamma频段动态波动性亦显著增加。丘脑底核局部场电位在药物作用下多频段同步化与稳定性发生变化,有可能与帕金森病药物作用下异动等症状的发生有关。这些特征的发现将有助于为帕金森病的机制研究与药物治疗建立基于多特征融合的敏感和特异的神经标记物,为实现闭环深部脑刺激提供判别指标。 The dysfunction of subthalamic nucleus is the main cause of Parkinson's disease.Local field potentials in human subthalamic nucleus contain rich physiological information.The present study aimed to quantify the oscillatory and dynamic characteristics of local field potentials of subthalamic nucleus,and their modulation by the medication therapy for Parkinson's disease.The subthalamic nucleus local field potentials were recorded from patients with Parkinson's disease at the states of on and off medication.The oscillatory features were characterised with the power spectral analysis.Furthermore,the dynamic features were characterised with time-frequency analysis and the coefficient of variation measure of the time-variant power at each frequency.There was a dominant peak at low beta band with medication off.The medication significantly suppressed the low beta component and increased the theta component.The amplitude fluctuation of neural oscillations was measured by the coefficient of variation.The coefficient of variation in 4-7Hz and 60-66 Hz was increased by medication.These effects proved that medication had significant modulation to subthalamic nucleus neural oscillatory synchronization and dynamic features.The subthalamic nucleus neural activities tend towards stable state under medication.The findings would provide quantitative biomarkers for studying the mechanisms of Parkinson's disease and clinical treatments of medication or deep brain stimulation.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期49-55,共7页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目资助(81471745)
关键词 局部场电位 神经标记物 帕金森病 丘脑底核 深部脑刺激 local field potentials neuro-biomarker Parkinson's disease subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation
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