
心功能不全合并糖尿病大鼠模型的建立与评价 被引量:1

Establishment and evaluation of rat model of cardiac insufficiency complicated with diabetes mellitus
摘要 目的 制备一种高稳定性心功能不全合并糖尿病大鼠模型,以期方便于临床和实验室研究。方法 取清洁级雄级Wistar大鼠45只,随机分为3组,A组(正常组)10只,B组(腹主动脉缩窄组)10只,C组(腹主动脉缩窄合并糖尿病组)25只。首先对B、C组大鼠采用腹主动脉缩窄的方法构建心功能不全模型,缩窄2个月后,将C组大鼠随机分为5个亚组,C1~5,分别采用单次腹腔注射40、45、50、55、60 mg/kg链脲佐菌素(STZ)的方法诱导心功能不全合并糖尿病大鼠模型。实验过程中动态观察大鼠一般状况及体质量改变,监测STZ注射后72 h、4周大鼠血糖水平,并于STZ注射后1个月对各组大鼠进行心脏超声及心肌病理改变评价。结果 对比不同剂量,STZ为45 mg/kg时,构建模型稳定性高且成模大鼠一般状况、血糖水平、心脏超声、心肌组织镜下形态学较正常组发生明显变化,符合心功能不全合并糖尿病改变。结论 采用腹主动脉缩窄2个月后腹腔单次注射45 mg/kg STZ的方法诱导心功能不全合并糖尿病动物模型,方法简便可靠,稳定性高。 Objective To establish a rat model of cardiac insufficiency complicated with diabetes mellitus (DM), and to meet the needs of clinical and laboratory studies. Methods Forty-five male specific pathogen free (SPF) rats were randomly divided into three groups: normal control group (A, n=10 ), coarctation of the aorta (AAC) group (B, n=10), AAC+DM group (C, n=25). The model of cardiac insufficiency with abdominal aortic constriction was establish in B and C groups. After two months of AAC, rats of group C were randomly divided into five subgroups and treated with different doses of streptozotoein (STZ) respectively(40, 45, 50, 55 and 60 mg/kg). The dynamic changes of general condition and weights were observed during the process of experiment. The blood glucose levels of 72 h and 4 week after STZ injection were detected. The echocardiograph and cardiac pathology changes were evaluated after 1 month of STZ injection. Results The general data ineluding blood glucose levels, echocardiographic findings and myocardial tissue microscopic morphology were compared be-tween different doses of STZ groups. The 45 mg/kg STZ was considered for more stable model of cardiac dysfunction compli- cated with diabetes mellitus. Conclusion The rat model of cardiac insufficiency complicated with diabetes meUitus is estab- lished by single dose injection of 45 mg/kg STZ after two-month AAC, which is a simple, reliable and high stability method.
出处 《天津医药》 CAS 2016年第2期196-199,共4页 Tianjin Medical Journal
基金 天津市卫生局科技基金攻关资助项目(12KG106)
关键词 心功能不全 糖尿病 实验性 腹主动脉缩窄 疾病模型 动物 大鼠 Wistar cardiac insufficiency diabetes mellitus,experimental abdominal aortic constriction disease models, animal rats, Wistar
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