
LED照明通信系统的设计与实现 被引量:2

LED lighting communication system design and implementation
摘要 设计了一款用于室内点对点单向无线传输的光通信系统。该系统采用白光LED作为传输载体,STM32作为主控单元,开关键控驱动作为基本调制方式,在满足室内照明的前提下,设计了发射与接收装置电路、LED调制发射电路、接收解调电路、信号放大电路、电源模块电路。制作的样机系统最终实现了对26个字母连续每隔1s传输1000次,传输记录140cm、误码率为零的测试。 The paper designed a wireless optical communication system for indoor, point-to-point and one-way transmission. White LED is a carrier for transmission system, STM32 is the main control unit, a key control drive as basic modulation mode, on the premise of meet the indoor illume, design of the transmitting and receiving devices, LED modulation transmitting circuit, receiving demodulation circuit, signal amplification circuit, power supply module circuit.Eventually made prototype system realized with 26 letters every 1 second transmit 1000 consecutive, transmission record 80 centimeters, zero error rate test.The system for subsequent use interior lighting system provides experimental support wireless transmission of information.
出处 《光通信技术》 北大核心 2016年第2期33-36,共4页 Optical Communication Technology
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金(2014026002)资助
关键词 可见光通信 开关键控调制 LED STM32 visible light communication, on-off Keying (OOK) modulation, LED, STM32
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