
高速铁路噪声源区划及各区域声源贡献量分析 被引量:19

Division and Contribution Analysis of High-speed railway Noise Sources
摘要 研究高速铁路噪声源区划方法并分析各区域声源贡献量,对高速铁路噪声治理有重要意义。基于高速铁路噪声源辨识现场测试,分析得到噪声源的位置和幅值。将噪声源按高度划分为轮轨区、车体下部、车体上部、集电系统和桥梁结构等5个区域,进一步将车体上部沿线路方向划分为车头区和非车头区,将集电系统区域沿线路方向划分为受电弓区和接触网区。根据声波能量叠加原理计算每个区域噪声源辐射功率,研究各个区域声源贡献量。分析结果表明,列车以300 km/h运行时,轮轨区噪声占48%,车体下部噪声占25%,合计占总噪声的73%,对高速铁路辐射噪声起主导作用。 Division and contribution analysis of high-speed railway noise sources are important for noise control. Locations and amplitudes of high-speed railway noise sources are determined through noise identification field tests. The sources are divided by height into wheel / track area,lower part of vehicle,upper part of vehicle,pantograph-catenary area and bridge area. For further analysis,the upper part of vehicle is divided in the direction of the line into head area and non-head area,and pantograph-catenary area is divided into pantograph area and catenary area. The noise contribution of each area is studied in terms of the total radiation power in each source area. Calculation results show that the noises in wheel / track area and the lower part of vehicle make up 48% and 25% separately,amount to 73% of the total,and dominate high-speed railway radiation noise.
出处 《铁道标准设计》 北大核心 2016年第3期163-166,共4页 Railway Standard Design
基金 国家863课题(2011AA11A103) 天津市企业博士后创新项目择优资助计划资助课题
关键词 高速铁路 噪声源辨识 噪声源区划 声源贡献 High-speed railway Noise source identification Noise source division Noise source contribution
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