
旅游目的地外来艺术的地方成长机理——周庄古镇三毛文学案例 被引量:11

The Growth of Foreign Art in Tourism Destination:A Case Study of San Mao Literature in Ancient Town Zhouzhuang
摘要 旅游目的地社会文化变迁是旅游地理学研究的核心内容和热点问题。已有文献主要以本地文化为研究对象,分析在外部力量介入情况下,本地文化变迁的过程与机理。文章将研究对象聚焦于外来艺术三毛文学,通过对其在周庄古镇旅游地成长过程的考察,揭示了全球化背景下外来艺术地方再生产的内在机理,为旅游目的地文化变迁研究提供一个新的视角。通过对文学旅游者的调查发现:在对文学兴趣和信仰、文学代理人运作的综合作用下,外来艺术三毛文学被周庄旅游业所利用,改造为稳定的文学艺术场三毛茶楼,成为古镇新的地方文化。文章为正确处理本土文化与外来文化的关系提供了新的思路,对地方旅游业的经营管理,尤其是旅游市场营销提出了新的挑战。 Tourism is a complex phenomenon that encompasses society,the economy,and the environment. With the global expansion of the tourism industry following the Second World War,its impacts have received increasing attention. In particular,the sociocultural impacts of tourism have emerged as a core topic and priority area within tourism geography since the 1960s,when it became an established field of inquiry in English-speaking countries. The previous literature mainly researches on the local culture and analyzes its changing process and mechanism. Culture is never complacent. In the long term,culture is always changing. In the book of"Invention of tradition",Hobsbawm points out that,what seem to be old"traditions"are very late in origin and are sometimes being invented. We should hold a more inclusive and open mind to look at the changing process of local culture. It's common that,art in its own development,the different categories assimilate and benefit with each other and even re- integrate into a new one. Why different art categories can contact and merge with each other is because that they have common"gene"and have firm relationships in forms and functions.Different from the art institutional environment,in tourism destination,there is a selection process in the integration of foreign and local art. Along with the long contact with the alien world,some foreign art is refused by the local,while some other is involved into the local art system and forms into a new art style and become the new fact of"place". Different from the previous research,the literature of San Mao hasn't contacted or even integrated with the local art. In contrast,its tourism develops based on the natural environment of Ancient Town Zhouzhuang and develops uniquely with the strong interest and belief of the literature youth to the work and personality of San Mao. It can be used by tourism industry because it can attract tourists. This paper will focus on the foreign art-San Mao literature and reveal the inner mechanism of the localized reproduction of foreign art under the background of globalization and provide a new viewpoint for the cultural change in the tourism destination. It finds through the research on the literature tourists that under the integrative influences of the literature interest,belief and literature agents,the foreign art- San Mao literature is used by the Zhouzhuang tourism industry and transformed into the stable field of literature and art,growing into the new local culture of the ancient town. This research provides a new thought for dealing with the relationship between local and foreign cultures and raises a new challenge for the local tourism operation,especially the tourism marketing.
作者 姜辽 李甜甜
出处 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期109-115,共7页 Tourism Tribune
基金 中国博士后科学基金项目"旅游过程中的文学阅读特征与文学资源的旅游利用研究"(2015M582455)资助~~
关键词 旅游社会文化影响 旅游目的地 外来艺术 三毛文学 周庄古镇 sociocultural impacts of tourism tourism destination foreign art San Mao literature Ancient Town Zhouzhuang
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