

Advancement Study about the Effect and Mechanism of Hormones and Cytokines in Fat and Bone Dialogue
摘要 体脂与骨密度的相关性已经得到大量实验室和临床试验的证实。除了软组织通过影响骨负荷导致骨密度变化以外,大量的细胞因子和激素在脂骨沟通中起到桥梁作用。目前重点关注的细胞因子包括脂肪因子、胰腺β细胞分泌的细胞因子以及胃肠道分泌的细胞因子。近年来随着研究的不断深入,这些细胞因子和激素在脂骨沟通中可能存在的新机制陆续被发现,为更加深入理解脂骨交流模式奠定基础。 The positive correlation between body fat and bone density has been confirmed by a large number of laboratory and clinical trials. Apart from the direct effect of soft tissue mass on bone through skeletal loading, a number of cytokines and hormones contribute to the dialogue between adipose and bone tissue. The current main emphasis was put on adipokines,factors secreted from beta cells of the pancreas and from the gastrointestinal tract in response to feeding. In recent years, with the deepening of research, some new mechanism about these cytokines and hormones which contribute to positive association between fat and bone was found, which will lay the foundations for understanding fat and bone dialogue deeply in the future.
出处 《医学综述》 2016年第3期453-457,共5页 Medical Recapitulate
关键词 体脂含量 骨代谢 细胞因子 激素 Content of body fat Bone metabolism Cell factor Hormone
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