在过去的20年间,美国进入了信息和情报的时代。这一转变对美国的高等教育产生了连锁影响,即学校与军事、情报和法律等领域的联系在逐步增强。针对这一现象,VICE News进行了研究,并列出了100所美国最“军事化”的大学。
In the last 20 years, the United States have embraced an era of infor mation and intelligence. The influence of such transformation on the higher education in the US is deep and wide. The talent gap i n t he f ield of nat iona l se cu r it y becomes significant. VICE News studied the relation ship between American universities and military, intelligence and law, and made a list of the most militarized universities in the US.
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